
 I will use this page for everything related to the project.


My collage

Hello! My name is Julia, I am 17 years old, I live in Gines, a small town in Seville.
I have grown up, apart from Seville, in Galicia in the north of Spain and I spend the whole summer there. I go every year in summer, one of my seasons!
favorites of the year along with winter!
I consider myself a very responsible and friendly person. I am very sociable, I love meeting new people. Friends are very important to me since they are always necessary to have good mental health. I always try to support and help them always.
However, I also consider myself the most disorganized person of all time. I am very lazy and I always leave things to the last moment, this is something that I try to improve and I also try to learn to be organized.
As for sports, I did basketball but I quit when I was 12 years old, but it is a sport that I still like. I have tried tennis and swimming, and right now I am not doing anything to organize myself better with my studies because this year is the last.
Finally, in my free time I like to go out with friends and the occasional holiday, I consider myself a very party person. I also love listening to my favorite music, it helps me focus and think. 


Get ready for the project! 

 I am very excited because I want to meet new people. I think it will be a great experience and we will learn a lot from each other.


Talents,hobbies and interests 

My favorite hobby is listening to music because it helps me relax and helps me concentrate.

My favorite singer is Myke Tower and his main genre is reggaeton. I have never been to a concert but it is something I want to
do in the future it would be like a dream.

My town & favourite places. 

My city is very beautiful. There are many monuments that you can visit with your family or your friends. My favorite place is the cathedral because it is a very old monument in the city.

 It's time for you to shine!

I have seen Fruganti Matteo
It's a collage and it caught my attention because there was only one photo that described it.
First of all, he seems like a good boy. As he said, he is a sociable and kind person and that is what he transmits. He seems like a nice and pleasant person and who I identify with because he also has a large family.
Besides, we have many things in common. He loves hanging out with friends and even the same kind of music. Although we also have things against such as the issue of sports. I'm sure we would get along very well even if I don't like sports.
In summary, Fruganti Matteo seems like a friendly and cheerful boy who likes to enjoy the moments even if he has not put more than one photo.

3. Master your emotions:

In this section of the project I have described my point of view about feelings

Being people we experience emotions day by day, negative or positive, usually without knowing why and how to stop them.

A few years ago, more specifically during the quarantine I was used to feeling negative emotions, I thought that everyone was against me, I had become somewhat paranoid.
Thanks to the fact that a friend told her, she helped me to get out of those negative thoughts and she helped me to think of happier, happier things, ... in positive things.

I controlled well I continue to control those negative thoughts in the following way:
First, I see the reason for those feelings and if I can solve that problem
If he saw the cause and had a solution, he would try to solve it. If he knew the cause but had no solution or simply did not know the cause, then he had to learn to live with it, without thinking much about it. In time it would be solved and those feelings would disappear or they were transformed into positive feelings.

In conclusion, feelings are a matter of our day to day we have to learn how we want to face them and how we can solve the negatives to focus on the positives. When you can not take it alone and you see that they are getting worse, seek help from a family member, a friend, a professional whoever but seek help. Because mental health comes first and you start by controlling feelings.

4. Test your EQ - identify the areas for improvement

in this activity I have done an emotional intelligence test

Your results indicate that your emotional functioning is in the normal range. In comparative studies, almost half of people see themselves as more emotionally developed than you are, while the other half view themselves as less emotionally competent. Your scores suggest that you have a well-functioning grasp of many domains related to emotional processing, while on the other hand a few motifs and situations nevertheless challenge your consistently. As a rule, however, your emotional intelligence is close to the norm, meaning that you probably cope and adjust well to most emotionally challenging situations and concerns.
What has surprised me the most about this test is that it turns out that I do not have self-regulation, it surprises me because, although it is somewhat impulsive, I have always thought that I had self-regulation, otherwise I agree.

5-Wall of thanks

I would like to thank several people, my family, my friends, but there is one that stands out among them all. He is one of my best friends.
This year almost all my friends have failed me and he has continued to support me there.
He has been there when no one else has been, he has encouraged me, he has taken me out to parties, we have laughed although sometimes we fight. I love him very much.
Who was going to tell us that we would become such good friends, it seems like yesterday when we met and we actually met at a party two years ago. Since then we have not stopped talking, meeting, laughing ... The best moment we spend every time we meet is when people ask us if we are dating and we laugh and say not only friends. Those moments are GREAT.
In short, thank you for being there, supporting me, telling me the truth at all times. I love you very much and thank you.


We recently finished this great project. Throughout the project we have learned several things such as working in groups, using digital platforms and most importantly working with people from other countries.
To see the final result you just have to click on the following link.


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