About me


I am Julia and in this blog it is useful to see everything I am giving about English classes and everything related to her.

You will be able to see grammar vocabulary, .. there will also be a part about a project in which I am participating

On this page I am also going to write some weekly reflections of the English classes and some weekly reflections in general.

week 24-29:


During this week we have practiced vocabulary that is already posted on the vocabulary page.
We have also practiced reading how to get main ideas and make a compression of a text.
Learning how to get ideas out of a text has helped me a lot since I didn't know how to get them out and I always got it wrong on exams.

This week we have done an activity that I really liked.
The activity consisted of commenting on the plans of our trip to London made the previous week.
I liked it a lot because each one proposes very different plans from each other and above all original, such as a dinner cruise between others

In short, this week the English classes have helped me in the reading part.


This week has not been one of the best, rather it is among the worst. But I don't like going to class but it helps me forget about problems even for a while


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